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Compatibility with Example Page was confirmed

It has been equipped in this site.


by webmaster asked Aug 27, 2015 in Plugins

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1 Answer

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More compatibility test were conducted today for example page plugin

The following steps were followed.

1. The example plugin was copied from an installation of q2a (document_root/qa-plugin)

2.The plugin was then copied to pqa installation at (document_root/qa-plugin)

3.Navigate to Admin->pages->add new page.

4.The necessary information were entered for the page creation dialogue.

5. New page was successfully created without error.

This was done several time by 10 different people on different test environment.

Compatibility confirmed
by Vanbells answered Aug 28, 2015
by webmaster selected Aug 28, 2015

1 Comment

Thank you Vanbells!

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