PowerQA is a state of the art discussion software that makes online discussions fun. It's simple, fast, and powerful.
gurjyot singh
+2 votes

Some basic improvement requests.

Without these improvements sometimes it is very difficult to deal with users. Q2A never fulfilled them so I think PQA can do it.
1. Secondary password field at registration form to confirm password
2. Contact Us page instead of Send Feedback
3. Way to send mails to all moderators or editors or experts or all users except special users.
4. Page to showcase all moderators or editors or experts
5. Sort answers
6. Sort users
7. Improvement in mailing system because sometimes user doesn't get account confirmation mail
8. Account confirmation by admin if user doesn't get confirmation mail.
9. Facebook, Google, Twitter logins instead of just Facebook login.
10. Pinned question feature instead of featured questions.
by gurjyot singh asked Aug 20, 2015 in Core

1 Comment

I liked. The "2" you can change the language files and modify the URL in Q2A as Pupi taught: I translated most of the URLs for my future site.

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1 Answer

+1 vote
Good suggestion. However, works are enormous. I can not be equipped with them immediately. As much as possible many engineers need to develop them.

Anyway, such information would help to milestone-making for PQA development.


by webmaster answered Aug 20, 2015


I would like to have if not the version 1.7.1 a select q2a 1.8 version.
Putti1985 add work good job for new version. Please add putti1985 pull requests
V1.8 has not yet been released. Its release date is also unknown. We can not use such uncertain things.
Ok. Ans @webmaster its nice Wordpress q2a system. Please show this system.
Thanks yerbol. I think he has good skill. But, I can not trust him. He betrays users...
No @webmaster. I wanted to say trust him. I say its nice interface system. Plase in future, when you develop the powerqa system can take some good features from there.
Visual askbug nice theme. I would like to, and at powerqa was a default interface.
Sorry, I got it. However, I'm also thinking more advanced (mobile first) theme (CSS-Framework). Now, let's talk about a lot of dreams. hahaha

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