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We're looking for translation team member

Now, PowerQA has been fully translated into English and Japanese. Please on the challenge of the translation to your language.


  • Language skill of your county (Required)
  • Join the development team (Required)
  • More than one year experience of Question2Answer (Required)
  • Translation experience related to software (Option)
  • Knowledge of PHP (Option)
  • Experience for creating technical documents (Option)


  • Newly Translation of PQA core (Required)
  • Newly Translation of PowerQA plugins (Required)
  • Translation maintenance work when the core and the plugins have been changed



  • You will be able to translate PQA core with using existing translations of Question2Answer. However, there are many changes.
  • Currently, PowerQA does not support RTL.
  • Plugin translation is enormous.


Translation work requires a lot of time and effort. It may be difficult in one person. I recomend that you recruit several collaborators in the translation of the same language. In other words, it will be translated in the team. In this way, it will be translated with less effort and time.

I am waiting for your aggressive participation. Let's develop together!


by webmaster asked Jan 26, 2016 in Others

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2 Answers

+1 vote
I can translate powerQA website to Arabic or Persian (Farsi) completely
If any one can create a theme like powerQA theme for my question2answer website
by arasahmed answered Oct 1, 2016

1 Comment

Thanks for your proposal. However, currentrly base theme of PowerQA is not support RTL. Unfortunately, we do not have RTL support plan in the future. If your site is LTR, it would be no problem.

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0 votes
Hi, I can make this software in Turkish.
by Kilicaslan answered Apr 8, 2019

1 Comment

Sorry. This system supports only English and Japanese.

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