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Do you want what kind of signature plugin?

I'm developping signature plugin from scratch for PQA V1.9. I would like to hear your opinion.

Current admin option:

2017-04-29_085625.jpg 2017-04-29_085710.jpg 2017-04-29_085730.jpg

My questions

  1. Do you know best signature feature? (It is not limited Q2A. Any system is OK) 
  2. Do you think what sub features are necessary?
  3. Do you like what kind of signature design?
  4. Which HTML tags should be allowed to users by plugin?
  5. Which HTML tags should be prohibited to users by plugin for security reason?

Best regards.


by webmaster asked Apr 29, 2017 in Plugins
by webmaster edited Apr 29, 2017

1 Comment

I'm not a big fan of user signature for QA, it is good for forums. I see some people want to use this plugin for QA.

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